telephone sales skills index

SALES & MARKETING Telephone Sales Skills

SALES & MARKETING Telephone Sales Skills >view


Are you involved in receiving inbound sales related enquiries, product/service orders and enquiries or making outbound sales calls and prospecting for new business? This course is designed to develop communication skills that will enable the participants to gain maximum results from selling their products and services over the telephone.

As this technology advances, there is a greater need to become more effective in our ability to communicate. Selling products and services over the telephone has proven to be not only convenient for customers, but also extremely effective and cost efficient for businesses.

You will leave being able to:

* Demonstrate knowledge of organisational requirements for telephone use within their organisation
* Greet and obtain permission to pursue the selling situation
* Identify customer needs and expectations over the telephone
* Actively listen and be able to identify client buying motives
* Build rapport through use of effective tonality and questioning/listening techniques
* Establish needs and offer the total solution available to match customer’s needs
* Demonstrate closing strategies in accordance with organisational requirements

Telephone Sales Skills Options

Telephone Sales Skills Options >view

Our programmes in telesales usually include strategy, operational efficiency, telesales skills and team structures. However, because different telesales teams operate in different ways, every telephone sales skills development programme needs to be built around your organisation's specific needs.

The speed and efficiency of telesales makes it a business method which is often preferred by decision makers, as it generates business with a lower cost of sale than the traditional face to face sales representative. However, to maximise the efficiency of telesales, companies must develop teams with the skills to retain and secure new business while maintaining a competitive advantage.

The necessary training is not the same for every organisation. In some companies teams need to develop core telesales skills based on assertive – not aggressive – behaviours. Other organisations need to develop a complete telephone based account management model.

TLSA’s completed projects vary from the simple to the complex. We have the expertise to help you develop your telesales operation by improving operational efficiency, reviewing strategy, and then improving the team’s telesales and leadership skills.
Telesales projects will usually include core material based around:

Operational Efficiency - time management, team structures, call management
Strategy - account coverage, individual and team targeting, customer segmentation
Telesales Skills - first impressions, creating the confidence to deal with decision makers at all levels, structuring and controlling the call, high yield questioning and active listening, qualifying customer needs, managing customer objections, closing the sale

After completing a Telesales programme, participants will understand how to increase sales through:

* Improved operational efficiency – using key behaviours to make sure staff are on the telephone at peak sales times
* Using and applying core telesales skills in their individual roles
* Targeting – telesales people who make outbound calls have to make sure they are approaching customers at the right time

telephone sales skills index

7 Sales Skills to Improve On >view

Sales Skill #1: Qualifying Fast to Avoid Wasting Sales Time

Do you chase after your prospects until they tell you yes or no? Do you ever tell your prospects "No", as in "No, I am not going to sell to you"? There are many things in selling that you do not and will not be able to control. The one thing that you do have control over is your time and how you choose to use it.

To qualify fast you must have a set of criteria describing who you will and will not sell to. You want to sell to the prospects likely to buy your products, and drop the prospects unlikely to buy (so that you can find more good prospects). Sounds simple, but too many salespeople let sludge buildup in their pipeline, constricting the total revenue that flows out.

KEY TIP: Develop a list of sales qualifying criteria that prospect's must meet in order for you to invest your sales time with them.

Sales Skill #2: Motivating Prospects

Qualifying goes beyond budget, authority, and need. You want to sell to prospects who *want* to buy from you. Finding prospects that need our products usually is not difficult. Finding those who really want our products though can be very hard if we wait for them to come to us.

Products sold by professional salespeople are more complex and offer more value than commodity products offered through stores, catalogs and brokers. Prospects generally do not know they need such products, until they first discover that they have a problem. This process can take seconds or years depending on the nature of the problem (and the prospect!). Prospects get motivated to work with you when you help them to discover that you solve their problem better than anyone does


KEY TIP: Determine which problems that you eliminate or solve for your prospects. Plan and ask questions to uncover and agitate those problems.

Sales Skill #3: Selling to People Outside Your Comfort Zone

Most salespeople who are "people persons", already think that they are good at this. Let me ask you a question. When you last lost a sale, how was your rapport with the key person who decided against you?

You can't afford to look away and ignore people that you don't have natural rapport with. The good news is that people like people like themselves. All you have to do to gain rapport is stretch your behavior outside or your comfort zone until you become like another person.

KEY TIP: Match speech patterns with people to gain rapport outside of your typical sports or weather conversation.

Sales Skill #4: Reaching Decision-Makers Through Voicemail

There's two ways to make more sales. One is to close more of the prospects you do contact. The other is to get more prospects into the pipeline. When prospecting, you can look at voicemail as either your friend or your enemy. With 70% of your prospecting calls going to voicemail, it is time to make friends with it.

Although you will never get even close to getting every voicemail returned, you can get a significant number of your messages returned when treat them as a one-on-one commercials.

KEY TIP: Prepare 3-5 separate benefit-focused voicemail messages that you can leave over a period of days or weeks for a single decision-maker before you give up on her. Each message should focus on a single unique customer-focused benefit.

Sales Skill #5: Delivering "I Gotta Have That" Presentations

Let's face it, a lot of business presentations are really boring. Salespeople talk about why their product is great, why their company is great, and the history of their company. Prospects don't relate to this. That's why they look so bored.

Great presentations get the prospect's imagination involved. The best way to involve the imagination is through storytelling. Stories rich in descriptive detail get the prospect picturing them using your product and evoke that "I Gotta Have That" reaction.

KEY TIP: Study 1-3 of your best customers and develop detailed customer success stories that will put emotional power into your presentations.

Sales Skill #6: Gaining Commitments Instead of Closing

Eliminate "Closing Cheese" from Your Vocabulary. You know what I am talking about: "Would you like that in gray or in black?" or "If I can show you how this will help you will you buy today?". Lines like these are why salespeople are down on the bottom of society's respect list somewhere near lawyers.

Learn the power of asking for incremental commitments from the beginning of your sales cycle. It is not an easy shift to make. First you got to get the prospect to show you what they most want (Hint: See Skill #2 above). Then you can negotiate incremental commitments in return for more of your time, information or resources.

KEY TIP: Practice asking for simple commitments once someone has expressed a clear want, pain, or desire.

Sales Skill #7: Have More Fun

Sales is fun when you are in control and closing deals. Selling is miserable when you are under pressure to close business.

Take the pressure off yourself to close and instead focus on qualifying and motivating your prospects.

KEY TIP: Shift the responsibility back to the prospect to solve his own problems, and the pressure to make the sale will be gone. Focus on selling at your best only to qualified prospects and you'll close more and have fun doing it.

How to Improve Your Telephone Skills >view

I have to admit I really don't like the telephone. Maybe it is because it is an interruption in an already "overscheduled" world. Even if it is someone I really want to talk to, it sometimes feels like a chore "to be nice"! With the amount of spam phone calls I still seem to receive, even after being on the "Do not call list", I must admit I make assumptions when I pick up the phone. If there is a nano-second of a pause when I pick up the phone, I immediately assume I am on someone's computer list just waiting to pounce if they here a real person on the other end of the phone.

However, when I am initiating the call I really "want" another human on the other end of the line. I don't want to be put in "voice mail jail" and being warned that the phone calls are taken in the order they are received and if I hang up and call back I may be waiting until doomsday to get to someone. I must admit I have "stayed on the line if you have a rotary phone for the next available agent"; not really remembering when I last SAW a rotary phone. Want to have a real laugh? Ask a teenager what a rotary phone is. It will either make you laugh or maybe cry at their response!

No matter which type of phone caller or business owner you happen to be, this communication tool, no matter how big or small is here to stay. It is important to know how to use it efficiently and effectively. With so much cell phone usage, right or wrong, that adds another dimension to the mix.

Regardless how fancy your Bluetooth, or cell phone or rotary phone with, heaven help us, a cord, is, it is important to address and put into practice, correct phone techniques.

I challenge businesses to think that every time their phone rings, it is their paycheck calling. I also challenge businesses to look at their phone with as much respect and interest as they look at their merchandise, their marketing, and their employees; it is a reflection of their "brand". Dr. Janelle Barlow, in her book, "Branded Customer Service" says, "Reinforcing a brand through every customer touch point, therefore, can provide the repetition necessary to inspire repeat purchasing decisions".

She also spends a great deal of time discussing being "on brand" or "off brand". In other words, you may say in your advertising literature and in store signing that the customer is number one, but if your customer can never get someone to answer the phone when they call, then your standards for answering the phone are "off brand".

When you think about your phone calls that way, you are more apt to answer the phone with a little more expectation in your voice rather than disgust. If you train your employees to do the same, you will start looking at your phone as a sales building tool. There are interesting statistics that show people develop a perception about you within the first 30 seconds of a phone conversation and their final opinion of you in the last 30 seconds. Let's look at some phone tips that will boost that final opinion to one of an on-going, on brand, positive relationship!

1. Breathe! Before you pick up the phone, take a deep breath. Most of us are what they call "shallow breathers". We take small breathes in and out and therefore, sound tired when we answer the phone. The goal is to sound like you like your job and you are glad they called.

Practice taking a very big breath and answering the phone at the top of that breathe. You will continue speaking on the exhale of that breath and the caller will hear energy in your voice! You can also practice it when you are making a call and start your breath as the phone is ringing on the other end. You'll be surprised how you feel when you use this technique. You may try it the next time your mother-in-law calls!

2. Identify yourself. Give your full name and function and or the name of your company. Since they have taken the time to call you, you may answer the phone this way; "Thank you for calling Merchandise Concepts, this is Anne Obarski, how can I make it a great day for you?" Hokey, maybe; memorable, maybe; friendly, you bet. Since I have an unusual last name, this helps me say it first so that the caller doesn't have to fumble with the pronunciation. One tip that I seem to always repeat, is that of slowing down when you answer the phone or when you call to leave a message. How many times have you had to re-play your answering machine to understand what the person was saying or the phone number that rattled off too fast?

3. Be Sincere. If we are honest with ourselves, we are all "problem solvers" in some way. People call us on the phone to have a problem answered. Whether it is to get driving directions, or hours of operation or questions about our merchandise, they have a question and want it answered quickly, intelligently and politely.

It is important to put the customer's needs ahead of ours. Have you ever been in a store and you were just about ready to put your things down on the counter to pay for them and the employee says, "You'll have to go to another register, I am going on break now". A customer will remember how attentive you were to their needs when they are asked to make a referral!

4. Listen attentively. Put everything down when you answer the phone! Easier said than done, isn't? How many times have you been in your office answering email, talking on the phone, listening to your ipod and sipping on a Starbucks? Me too. Shame on us. Customers don't like to be ignored and by multitasking, we are not focused on the customer's wants and needs.

Visualize the person, even if you don't know them so that you remind yourself you are engaged in a two-way conversation. If you still have trouble listening, start taking notes on what they are saying. Use a headset if possible, to keep your hands free. By taking notes you can verify with them as well as yourself, the important points of the conversation and the action items that needed attention.

5. Outcome. If the phone call has been successful, the first 30 seconds established a positive perception about you through voice, and tone and focus. The last 30 seconds will be when the caller finalizes their opinion about you. You can make that a positive experience by thanking them for calling, reviewing the problem you were able to solve and then most importantly, thanking them for their continued business.

I find myself on airplanes frequently with my speaking schedule. Recently I have noticed that no matter what airlines I am flying that the pilot has "air time" with the passengers on each flight. The words are all about the same. They share the weather in the city we are headed to, the time we should be arriving, the details about the lavatories and not to congregate in the aisles, as well as the great flight attendants, and then they always say something like this, "We know you have a choice when you travel and we are happy that you have chosen to fly with us, and we appreciate that. We ask that if your future travel plans involve flying that you will think of us first. So sit back, relax and enjoy the on- time flight to wherever".

The pilot set up the outcome in the passenger's minds by stating it up front. He started by building a trusting relationship with the passengers that he couldn't see, by coming across as very approachable. Then he told us the important things we should know about the flight and who would help us if we had a problem and then in conclusion, he asked for our repeat business. Trust for me is built on the sound and the sincerity of the pilot's voice.

That isn't that much different than when your employees talk to your customers. To build a strong business, you need to have repeat and referral business. What easier way than to ask for their continued business at the end of each and every phone call.

6 Easy Steps to Great Telephone Sales Skills

Have you ever heard a true professional on the telephone closing a sale? It's like poetry. There's no anxiety - just a smooth flow as he steers the sales process. How do we obtain such sales skills? We can listen to the pros and do what they do! The following comes from a sales veteran controlling the call from start to finish. You'll only hear the sales side, but that's all you'll need to get the gist.

Telephone Sales - Building Beliefs Essential to Success >view

Positive belief has a direct impact on everything we do in Telephone Sales. It will increase our motivation to achieve higher sales results and our drive to perform well on each telephone sales call. It will improve our skills and abilities with each potential customer - they will HEAR that we believe in our products, our Company and ourselves. It will increase our sense of achievement and job satisfaction. Above all, it will increase the number of sales we achieve each day, each week and each month.

The Power of Negativity
Telephone Sales can be a tough game - monotonous, boring - even frightening! Whether it is incoming or outbound sales, we hearing negatives all day long -'I'm not interested', 'You are too expensive', 'I like your competitor' and worse!

Pretty soon the negativity gets inside the Sales Person, and deeply embedded in the Sales Team. No-one will ever buy from us; these prospects never buy anything; our products / services are no good anyway; our prices are far too high; we are working for a rotten company - and so on.

When this happens, sales go down dramatically, and personnel start leaving. The low morale feels very powerful within the Team - something that can't be changed. But it can!

The Positive Belief Force Field
How do we turn it round? We create a positive force field round ourselves and / or our Team. Negativity is powerful and comes from all directions. It is like a multi-facetted force field. We can't combat it with a new monthly incentive - that is like throwing down a grain of sand to hold back the tide, it will not work.

Every good telephone sales person or sales team builds their positive belief force field. They work at it - it is planned, structured and managed. They identify each essential belief - each point in the force field - and they work actively at increasing each.

Beliefs Essential to Success in Telephone Sales
Some Positive Beliefs are critical to success in Telephone Sales - work on these essential beliefs first.

1. Belief that Prospect's can and do buy. This is number 1 - if I don't believe they will ever buy I won't try to sell. People really do buy insurance, cars, cleaning products or whatever. They are definitely going to buy from some sales person - either you or a competitor, but they are going to buy. Collect stories, facts and figures that reinforce this message.
2. Belief that my product / service is of value - that it is worth buying. Good sales people have to be able to make themselves believe this fact to sell successfully. They gather positive evidence, learn every strength and benefit of their products, talk to Customers who are happy with their product /service and do everything they can to see the value of their products. They walk positive, talk positive and don't let any negative thoughts take hold in their heads.
3. Belief that my product / service provides good value for money. The good sales person gathers evidence to confirm that the price of their products is fully justified - they get really comfortable knowing that we are worth every cent of this price. This belief requires constant effort - doing real research that shows the value of our products against our competitors.
4. Belief that success in Telephone Sales is about skills rather than luck - this one is critical to keep the Telephone Sales person motivated and continuously improving. The evidence that will support this belief are things like 'war stories' from the good sales person, new skills or techniques that are tried and found successful, Team workshops on our approach and techniques with customers etc.
5. Belief that I am good - I can sell. This is a personal 'self talk' issue - and every good sales person must work on this every day, every week. The best of the best can look so confident and perform so well - but they have their moments quaking in the wash room! What they have is the skills to build up their confidence - to tell themselves they are good, they are worth listening to and they have the skills to lead the prospect through the sale. Each will try different techniques each week to build this self-belief - work with your Team members to share these ideas.

It is really important for each sales person or sales manager to work brainstorm ideas to build positive belief - it work wonders on the bottom line!

Telemarketing Training Institute >view

"The Telephone Selling Skills training was great. The instructor was brilliant! His delivery and training style is top notch. He opened the training by asking everyone what their expectations were for the class. He hit all their expectations head on. The key pointers that benefited a lot of the reps were how to understand different personality types, understanding the customers’ needs and the FAB model.

I personally benefited from the FAB (Features, Advantages & Benefits) model because it allowed me to add on to what we already use in our Rising Star Sales Training Program. The reps that attended thought that the instructor gave them some great techniques to use when speaking with customers over the phone with such a short time span. Moreover, in reviewing the evaluations most of them thought that it was a bit rushed and could have used more time.

Thanks again the class was great! "

Michelle Y. Boudreaux
Training and Development Specialist
Houston Chronicle
Houston, Texas

Telemarketing Training Institute

Telemarketing Training Institute >view

"The Telephone Selling Skills training was great. The instructor was brilliant! His delivery and training style is top notch. He opened the training by asking everyone what their expectations were for the class. He hit all their expectations head on. The key pointers that benefited a lot of the reps were how to understand different personality types, understanding the customers’ needs and the FAB model.

I personally benefited from the FAB (Features, Advantages & Benefits) model because it allowed me to add on to what we already use in our Rising Star Sales Training Program. The reps that attended thought that the instructor gave them some great techniques to use when speaking with customers over the phone with such a short time span. Moreover, in reviewing the evaluations most of them thought that it was a bit rushed and could have used more time.

Thanks again the class was great! "

Michelle Y. Boudreaux
Training and Development Specialist
Houston Chronicle
Houston, Texas

Telephone Sales Skill

Telephone Sales Skill >view

Please find a selection of Telephone Sales Skills courses including Outgoing Calls - Maximising Effectiveness, Closing Incoming Calls Effectively, Advanced Telephone Prospecting, Telephone Techniques - Incoming & Outgoing Calls, Gaining Commitment on the Telephone, Maximising Appointments on the Telephone, Winning More Business on the Telephone, Generating New Business by Telephone
Please Choose from the list below:

* Advanced Telephone ProspectingView course details
* Closing Incoming Calls EffectivelyView course details
* Gaining Commitment on the TelephoneView course details
* Generating New Business by TelephoneView course details
* Maximising Appointments on the TelephoneView course details
* Outgoing Calls - Maximising EffectivenessView course details
* Telephone Techniques - Incoming & Outgoing CallsView course details
* Winning More Business on the TelephoneView course details

Sales Training, Presentation Skills Training

Sales Training, Presentation Skills Training >view

Our sales and presentation skills training gives you unique, powerful tools to help you make winning presentations with confidence, and to sell with success. Sales and presentation skills training that develops your natural instincts to be clear, memorable and confident.

Be clear and persuasive
Don't let your audience walk out of the room without a clear plan of action. Don't waste opportunities - make every presentation and sales call count.

We specialise in providing tailored in-house workshops and can come to your offices anywhere in the UK and Europe. We also run open workshops in London and Birmingham on a monthy basis.

Million Dollar Phone Sales

Million Dollar Phone Sales >view

Course Description

Does your sales staff putting off making telephone prospecting calls? Do they feel that the Admin Assistant is more effective than they are when trying to screen calls? Does the sales staff leave messages but no one returns the calls? If the prospect claims that she or he has no need or is satisfied, does the call end quickly?

If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, this Telephone Sales Skills workshop will improve recall effectiveness 75%. In addition, this skill-building workshop addresses 14 other dilemmas that salespeople face in telephone prospecting.

This training kit will be the best investment you’ll ever make to increase phone appointments.

This kit provides everything you need to deliver your very own Telephone Sales Skills Course or to teach yourself.

Course Overview

The Telephone Sales Skills workshop breaks down the telephone prospecting call into bite-size skills that can be easily mastered in a three-hour work session. Participants practice developing skills by responding aloud to simulated situations. They will use their own voice, personality and product or service. They will also have the opportunity to practice, drill and rehearse these skills until they are easy and natural to use. A workbook and a Skills Review card are included to reinforce these important skills. Participants learn 12 tips to improve telephone effectiveness before they even pick up the phone.

Course objectives

* Set measurable objectives for each call
* Leave messages and avoid telephone tag
* Get help from the Admin Assistants
* Handle the first five seconds of the call when you are connected to your prospect
* Qualify your prospect
* Obtain the appointment
* Resolve telephone objections and stalls

Telephone Sales - Building Beliefs Essential to Success

Telephone Sales - Building Beliefs Essential to Success >view

Positive belief has a direct impact on everything we do in Telephone Sales. It will increase our motivation to achieve higher sales results and our drive to perform well on each telephone sales call. It will improve our skills and abilities with each potential customer - they will HEAR that we believe in our products, our Company and ourselves. It will increase our sense of achievement and job satisfaction. Above all, it will increase the number of sales we achieve each day, each week and each month.

The Power of Negativity
Telephone Sales can be a tough game - monotonous, boring - even frightening! Whether it is incoming or outbound sales, we hearing negatives all day long -'I'm not interested', 'You are too expensive', 'I like your competitor' and worse!

Pretty soon the negativity gets inside the Sales Person, and deeply embedded in the Sales Team. No-one will ever buy from us; these prospects never buy anything; our products / services are no good anyway; our prices are far too high; we are working for a rotten company - and so on.

When this happens, sales go down dramatically, and personnel start leaving. The low morale feels very powerful within the Team - something that can't be changed. But it can!

The Positive Belief Force Field
How do we turn it round? We create a positive force field round ourselves and / or our Team. Negativity is powerful and comes from all directions. It is like a multi-facetted force field. We can't combat it with a new monthly incentive - that is like throwing down a grain of sand to hold back the tide, it will not work.

Every good telephone sales person or sales team builds their positive belief force field. They work at it - it is planned, structured and managed. They identify each essential belief - each point in the force field - and they work actively at increasing each.

Beliefs Essential to Success in Telephone Sales
Some Positive Beliefs are critical to success in Telephone Sales - work on these essential beliefs first.

1. Belief that Prospect's can and do buy. This is number 1 - if I don't believe they will ever buy I won't try to sell. People really do buy insurance, cars, cleaning products or whatever. They are definitely going to buy from some sales person - either you or a competitor, but they are going to buy. Collect stories, facts and figures that reinforce this message.
2. Belief that my product / service is of value - that it is worth buying. Good sales people have to be able to make themselves believe this fact to sell successfully. They gather positive evidence, learn every strength and benefit of their products, talk to Customers who are happy with their product /service and do everything they can to see the value of their products. They walk positive, talk positive and don't let any negative thoughts take hold in their heads.
3. Belief that my product / service provides good value for money. The good sales person gathers evidence to confirm that the price of their products is fully justified - they get really comfortable knowing that we are worth every cent of this price. This belief requires constant effort - doing real research that shows the value of our products against our competitors.
4. Belief that success in Telephone Sales is about skills rather than luck - this one is critical to keep the Telephone Sales person motivated and continuously improving. The evidence that will support this belief are things like 'war stories' from the good sales person, new skills or techniques that are tried and found successful, Team workshops on our approach and techniques with customers etc.
5. Belief that I am good - I can sell. This is a personal 'self talk' issue - and every good sales person must work on this every day, every week. The best of the best can look so confident and perform so well - but they have their moments quaking in the wash room! What they have is the skills to build up their confidence - to tell themselves they are good, they are worth listening to and they have the skills to lead the prospect through the sale. Each will try different techniques each week to build this self-belief - work with your Team members to share these ideas.

It is really important for each sales person or sales manager to work brainstorm ideas to build positive belief - it work wonders on the bottom line!

Telephone Sales Skills - Telephone Techniques

Telephone Sales Skills - Telephone Techniques >view

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: -- Prepare to make the call. -- Know his product in the target market. -- Overcome gravity. -- Realize core dynamics of telephone sales. -- Perfect a solid skill set. -- Move from preparing to doing. -- Pick up the telephone. -- Proceed with the presentation. -- Close the sale. -- Determine the buyer’s interest level. -- Determine her stage in the sales process. -- Overcome objections. -- Finish the paperwork.

Each course ends with a 20-question test made up of 10 true/false questions and 10 multiple-choice questions. If the Student achieves a 70% or higher on the test, then the training allows them to print out a Certificate of Completion. This test may be taken as many times as the Student wants during the licensed, on-line access period. No other testing or tracking is provided and, due to the personal nature of some of the skills tested, these scores are not recorded or tracked (besides the student themselves being able to print the certificate if they score >70% on the optional test). The test is not required to complete the course, but is an option, chosen at the student's discretion, should they desire to attempt to gain the Certificate of Completion.

6 Easy Steps to Great Telephone Sales Skills

6 Easy Steps to Great Telephone Sales Skills

Have you ever heard a true professional on the telephone closing a sale? It's like poetry. There's no anxiety - just a smooth flow as he steers the sales process. How do we obtain such sales skills? We can listen to the pros and do what they do! The following comes from a sales veteran controlling the call from start to finish. You'll only hear the sales side, but that's all you'll need to get the gist.



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How to Improve Your Telephone Skills

How to Improve Your Telephone Skills >view

I have to admit I really don't like the telephone. Maybe it is because it is an interruption in an already "overscheduled" world. Even if it is someone I really want to talk to, it sometimes feels like a chore "to be nice"! With the amount of spam phone calls I still seem to receive, even after being on the "Do not call list", I must admit I make assumptions when I pick up the phone. If there is a nano-second of a pause when I pick up the phone, I immediately assume I am on someone's computer list just waiting to pounce if they here a real person on the other end of the phone.

However, when I am initiating the call I really "want" another human on the other end of the line. I don't want to be put in "voice mail jail" and being warned that the phone calls are taken in the order they are received and if I hang up and call back I may be waiting until doomsday to get to someone. I must admit I have "stayed on the line if you have a rotary phone for the next available agent"; not really remembering when I last SAW a rotary phone. Want to have a real laugh? Ask a teenager what a rotary phone is. It will either make you laugh or maybe cry at their response!

No matter which type of phone caller or business owner you happen to be, this communication tool, no matter how big or small is here to stay. It is important to know how to use it efficiently and effectively. With so much cell phone usage, right or wrong, that adds another dimension to the mix.

Regardless how fancy your Bluetooth, or cell phone or rotary phone with, heaven help us, a cord, is, it is important to address and put into practice, correct phone techniques.

I challenge businesses to think that every time their phone rings, it is their paycheck calling. I also challenge businesses to look at their phone with as much respect and interest as they look at their merchandise, their marketing, and their employees; it is a reflection of their "brand". Dr. Janelle Barlow, in her book, "Branded Customer Service" says, "Reinforcing a brand through every customer touch point, therefore, can provide the repetition necessary to inspire repeat purchasing decisions".

She also spends a great deal of time discussing being "on brand" or "off brand". In other words, you may say in your advertising literature and in store signing that the customer is number one, but if your customer can never get someone to answer the phone when they call, then your standards for answering the phone are "off brand".

When you think about your phone calls that way, you are more apt to answer the phone with a little more expectation in your voice rather than disgust. If you train your employees to do the same, you will start looking at your phone as a sales building tool. There are interesting statistics that show people develop a perception about you within the first 30 seconds of a phone conversation and their final opinion of you in the last 30 seconds. Let's look at some phone tips that will boost that final opinion to one of an on-going, on brand, positive relationship!

1. Breathe! Before you pick up the phone, take a deep breath. Most of us are what they call "shallow breathers". We take small breathes in and out and therefore, sound tired when we answer the phone. The goal is to sound like you like your job and you are glad they called.

Practice taking a very big breath and answering the phone at the top of that breathe. You will continue speaking on the exhale of that breath and the caller will hear energy in your voice! You can also practice it when you are making a call and start your breath as the phone is ringing on the other end. You'll be surprised how you feel when you use this technique. You may try it the next time your mother-in-law calls!

2. Identify yourself. Give your full name and function and or the name of your company. Since they have taken the time to call you, you may answer the phone this way; "Thank you for calling Merchandise Concepts, this is Anne Obarski, how can I make it a great day for you?" Hokey, maybe; memorable, maybe; friendly, you bet. Since I have an unusual last name, this helps me say it first so that the caller doesn't have to fumble with the pronunciation. One tip that I seem to always repeat, is that of slowing down when you answer the phone or when you call to leave a message. How many times have you had to re-play your answering machine to understand what the person was saying or the phone number that rattled off too fast?

3. Be Sincere. If we are honest with ourselves, we are all "problem solvers" in some way. People call us on the phone to have a problem answered. Whether it is to get driving directions, or hours of operation or questions about our merchandise, they have a question and want it answered quickly, intelligently and politely.

It is important to put the customer's needs ahead of ours. Have you ever been in a store and you were just about ready to put your things down on the counter to pay for them and the employee says, "You'll have to go to another register, I am going on break now". A customer will remember how attentive you were to their needs when they are asked to make a referral!

4. Listen attentively. Put everything down when you answer the phone! Easier said than done, isn't? How many times have you been in your office answering email, talking on the phone, listening to your ipod and sipping on a Starbucks? Me too. Shame on us. Customers don't like to be ignored and by multitasking, we are not focused on the customer's wants and needs.

Visualize the person, even if you don't know them so that you remind yourself you are engaged in a two-way conversation. If you still have trouble listening, start taking notes on what they are saying. Use a headset if possible, to keep your hands free. By taking notes you can verify with them as well as yourself, the important points of the conversation and the action items that needed attention.

5. Outcome. If the phone call has been successful, the first 30 seconds established a positive perception about you through voice, and tone and focus. The last 30 seconds will be when the caller finalizes their opinion about you. You can make that a positive experience by thanking them for calling, reviewing the problem you were able to solve and then most importantly, thanking them for their continued business.

I find myself on airplanes frequently with my speaking schedule. Recently I have noticed that no matter what airlines I am flying that the pilot has "air time" with the passengers on each flight. The words are all about the same. They share the weather in the city we are headed to, the time we should be arriving, the details about the lavatories and not to congregate in the aisles, as well as the great flight attendants, and then they always say something like this, "We know you have a choice when you travel and we are happy that you have chosen to fly with us, and we appreciate that. We ask that if your future travel plans involve flying that you will think of us first. So sit back, relax and enjoy the on- time flight to wherever".

The pilot set up the outcome in the passenger's minds by stating it up front. He started by building a trusting relationship with the passengers that he couldn't see, by coming across as very approachable. Then he told us the important things we should know about the flight and who would help us if we had a problem and then in conclusion, he asked for our repeat business. Trust for me is built on the sound and the sincerity of the pilot's voice.

That isn't that much different than when your employees talk to your customers. To build a strong business, you need to have repeat and referral business. What easier way than to ask for their continued business at the end of each and every phone call.

Personal Sales Skills by Richard Boyd

Personal Sales Skills by Richard Boyd >view

Personal Selling Skills Part 1.

How bad are yours?

My personal sales skills suck. Last week, I managed to blow two contracts worth nearly £4K, no one else, it was me. We’d beaten the competition; both enquiries should have been a formality.

One enquiry was from a swimming pool manufacturer wanting an interactive multimedia CD, as part of a large mail out and the other was a printing company wanting to completely revamp their web site.

And my sales skills blow it.

Why? Because I haven’t even thought about selling for over 5 years. The calls came in, I took both of them and I made the following mistakes:

  • I was engrossed in a different client’s problem

  • I was barely listening to what they said, within seconds I knew what they needed, so I switched off

  • I even forgot one of the callers first names, I was so preoccupied

  • I was reading some data on a PC monitor whilst I was on the phone

  • I told them what they needed, rather than listen and explain what the options and subsequent benefits would be

I suck, big time. In 5 years I have become so engrossed in the ins and out of my profession that I have forgotten what selling is all about.

I have forgotten the golden rule.

“People buy what things can do for them -- they don’t buy a web site or some multimedia product, they buy what it will do for them.”

How is this going to help you in your next job interview? Remember the golden rule.

“People aren’t interested in you, they are interested in what you will do for them, if they employ you”.

7 Sales Skills to Improve On

7 Sales Skills to Improve On >view

Sales Skill #1: Qualifying Fast to Avoid Wasting Sales Time

Do you chase after your prospects until they tell you yes or no? Do you ever tell your prospects "No", as in "No, I am not going to sell to you"? There are many things in selling that you do not and will not be able to control. The one thing that you do have control over is your time and how you choose to use it.

To qualify fast you must have a set of criteria describing who you will and will not sell to. You want to sell to the prospects likely to buy your products, and drop the prospects unlikely to buy (so that you can find more good prospects). Sounds simple, but too many salespeople let sludge buildup in their pipeline, constricting the total revenue that flows out.

KEY TIP: Develop a list of sales qualifying criteria that prospect's must meet in order for you to invest your sales time with them.

Sales Skill #2: Motivating Prospects

Qualifying goes beyond budget, authority, and need. You want to sell to prospects who *want* to buy from you. Finding prospects that need our products usually is not difficult. Finding those who really want our products though can be very hard if we wait for them to come to us.

Products sold by professional salespeople are more complex and offer more value than commodity products offered through stores, catalogs and brokers. Prospects generally do not know they need such products, until they first discover that they have a problem. This process can take seconds or years depending on the nature of the problem (and the prospect!). Prospects get motivated to work with you when you help them to discover that you solve their problem better than anyone does


KEY TIP: Determine which problems that you eliminate or solve for your prospects. Plan and ask questions to uncover and agitate those problems.

Sales Skill #3: Selling to People Outside Your Comfort Zone

Most salespeople who are "people persons", already think that they are good at this. Let me ask you a question. When you last lost a sale, how was your rapport with the key person who decided against you?

You can't afford to look away and ignore people that you don't have natural rapport with. The good news is that people like people like themselves. All you have to do to gain rapport is stretch your behavior outside or your comfort zone until you become like another person.

KEY TIP: Match speech patterns with people to gain rapport outside of your typical sports or weather conversation.

Sales Skill #4: Reaching Decision-Makers Through Voicemail

There's two ways to make more sales. One is to close more of the prospects you do contact. The other is to get more prospects into the pipeline. When prospecting, you can look at voicemail as either your friend or your enemy. With 70% of your prospecting calls going to voicemail, it is time to make friends with it.

Although you will never get even close to getting every voicemail returned, you can get a significant number of your messages returned when treat them as a one-on-one commercials.

KEY TIP: Prepare 3-5 separate benefit-focused voicemail messages that you can leave over a period of days or weeks for a single decision-maker before you give up on her. Each message should focus on a single unique customer-focused benefit.

Sales Skill #5: Delivering "I Gotta Have That" Presentations

Let's face it, a lot of business presentations are really boring. Salespeople talk about why their product is great, why their company is great, and the history of their company. Prospects don't relate to this. That's why they look so bored.

Great presentations get the prospect's imagination involved. The best way to involve the imagination is through storytelling. Stories rich in descriptive detail get the prospect picturing them using your product and evoke that "I Gotta Have That" reaction.

KEY TIP: Study 1-3 of your best customers and develop detailed customer success stories that will put emotional power into your presentations.

Sales Skill #6: Gaining Commitments Instead of Closing

Eliminate "Closing Cheese" from Your Vocabulary. You know what I am talking about: "Would you like that in gray or in black?" or "If I can show you how this will help you will you buy today?". Lines like these are why salespeople are down on the bottom of society's respect list somewhere near lawyers.

Learn the power of asking for incremental commitments from the beginning of your sales cycle. It is not an easy shift to make. First you got to get the prospect to show you what they most want (Hint: See Skill #2 above). Then you can negotiate incremental commitments in return for more of your time, information or resources.

KEY TIP: Practice asking for simple commitments once someone has expressed a clear want, pain, or desire.

Sales Skill #7: Have More Fun

Sales is fun when you are in control and closing deals. Selling is miserable when you are under pressure to close business.

Take the pressure off yourself to close and instead focus on qualifying and motivating your prospects.

KEY TIP: Shift the responsibility back to the prospect to solve his own problems, and the pressure to make the sale will be gone. Focus on selling at your best only to qualified prospects and you'll close more and have fun doing it.

sales and selling - training and techniques

sales and selling - training and techniques >view

Selling is a wonderful profession when approached ethically, constructively and helpfully. Happily much sales development theory takes this positive direction. The origins of the word 'sell' provide a useful reminder of its purest meaning.

Selling is a wide subject, covering many selling methods, sales theories, models and sales training methods.

This sales training guide attempts to summarise the main ideas of the professional selling field. You can use this information as a self-teaching aid to develop your own sales skills, to teach others, or to help you identify and choose suitable sales training courses programs and providers for yourself, for your team or for your sales organization.

I welcome suggestions of new selling concepts and sales training methods for inclusion or reference within this guide.

I also encourage providers of sales training courses, services, development products, etc., to add their details and examples of their promotional/teaching material to the free publishing/advertising Space on Businessballs, to help the website's growing global audience to locate and consider suitable and effective sales development products and services.

Training Expert Sales Training Programs and Motivational Speakers

Training Expert Sales Training Programs and Motivational Speakers >view

Sales down? Reps getting discouraged? Just too many voice mails and "gatekeepers"? Too many brush-offs and stalls? Old fashioned strategies just not working???

Can't shut your phone room down for training? Our new shorter training program can be presented in 2 to 3 hours mornings, afternoons, or even evening hours.

Long enough to teach the key issues, short enough so even the busiest telephone reps and their supervisors can find time for this valuable training!

We present our "Training Expert's Telephone Sales Training". A two to three hour-mini seminar designed to instruct your sales staff on successful telephone techniques. Long enough to be effective, short enough to train even the busiest employees. It makes an ideal presentation for in-house training, at conventions, conferences or national meetings.